As a result of the search for convergence between the culture of entrepreneurship and artistic education, the fourth edition of SEN SOIR.EE 1960, a revolutionary and innovative photographic exhibition that opened on Thursday, April 4, arrives at the Cibeles Post Office. On this occasion, the exhibition has the collaboration of CorreosLabs, Startup Europe and Startup Europe News (SEN) and Nefercity System.
SEN SOIR.EE brings a sample of 12 experiences from different European cities covering topics such as environment, energy, medicine, robotics and many more. The details of the project and the story behind the picture can be accessed through a QR-code and a radio-frequency identification chip (RFID).
The exhibition is free of charge and open to all artists, entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, students and academics who are looking to experience a unique, new concept where creativity, artistic talent and technology are intertwined.
“This is a disruptive innovation combining technology and creativity, where art and business meet millennials. A different way for startups and emerging artist to gain visibility in this new global and competitive business world.” – Isidro Laso, European Commission.
“There are things that seem incompatible until they are combined. This is how SEN SOIRÉE is presented, as the bridge of the encounter between startups and art.” – Imedi Hassissen, Creative Director – SEN SOIR.EE .
While blockchain technology and art might appear to be as opposite as the yin and yang of Taoist philosophy, they have found the way to travel upon the same path. Together they are taking in a diverse series of locations and landscapes on a truly global scale. SEN SOIR.EE features a blend of “classic” and “futuristic” artwork, which brings ‘’business people and emerging artists’’ together at an exclusive evening event.
Madrid. 10 months traveling exhibition.
The first edition of SEN SOIR.EE 1960 took place in Brussels in September 2017. A memorable event in honor of the 60th anniversary of the European Union. After visiting Barcelona, the exhibition arrived in Madrid for the first time in June 2018. Hosted at the headquarters of the Representation of the European Commission it was visited for more than 2,500 people. In Madrid, the collection continued its tour through the city, being exhibited in the Science Park of the Carlos III University. As the last stop in the city, SEN SOIR.EE 1960 will be exhibited at the Cibeles Post Office (Correos) until the end of April.
WWW.SOIR.EE aims to encourage more people to discover and engage with European cultural heritage and to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space. Through its unique concept and its technology, SEN SOIRÉE allows emerging artists to move away from the traditional concept of the art gallery as static only exhibition space, in favor of a more complete alternative based on cryptography and traveling exhibitions, which offers access to a more diverse and active audience.
It is a great event for artists and business entrepreneurs where they can learn and share experiences, in a cultural and relaxed setting. Both are often facing similar challenges from the creation to the materialization of their creative ideas.
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