Maider Camarero presents LumaSuite, the ultimate instrument carrying solution for the most demanding musicians: music cases designed by musicians, aimed at the care of both the instrument and the person who transports it. “I am engineer and amateur cellist, so I am very aware of the musician needs and how to satisfy them”.

Handcrafted technology
LumaSuite comes from the union of Luma (feather in Basque, which recalls lightness, freedom) and Suite (luxurious and comfortable room, and also a type of musical composition).”We weave in true carbon fibre the appropriate case for your instrument.”

Technology and craftwork are brought together in order to continue the centenary art of making the best instruments, by reflecting it in the cases and fulfilling the three essential needs of any musician: being transportable, light and comfortable to carry thanks to their 3kg of weight, resistant against shocks and water and customisable, to transmit the artist’s brand image and be recognised everywhere.

Unique and handmade
After four years of research in reinforced composite materials, with the aid of Tknika and Gaiker Basque research centers, applied design, supported by the prestigious 4P1B Italian designers and ergonomics, with the help of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu doctors and UPV University experts, a new concept of music cases is born. Taking into account the real experience of luthiers and high-level musicians, LumaSuite is globally designing and locally handmaking customisable accordion, cello and violin cases.

How we do it
In a workshop in Northern Spain, we meet everyday needs for protection and carrying of musical instruments, paying attention to the comfort of the musicians and always respecting their character.


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  • Isabel

    Muchas gracias Maider, tus entrevistas siempre tan agradables de leer sobre todo por tu sencillez como persona, y felicitarte de nuevo por la gran apuesta que has hecho en estos tiempos “dificiles” para los emprendedores, te deseo muchisima suerte por todos tus desvelos y buenas ideas que estas haciendo realidad, en beneficio de todos los grandes artista en este caso los músicos que pueden llegar más descansados para deleitarnos con sus bellos conciertos

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