An information and networking workshop is organized by DG CNECT regarding the Innovation Actions of Startup Europe for Growth ICT-33-2019.
Budget: €10 Million.
Opening of the call: 16 October 2018,
Closing: 28 March 2019 17:00.
A budget of 10 million euro will be distributed among ecosystems builders and leaders who want to work with other ecosystems across Europe. We are looking for organisations aiming at “Connecting local tech startup ecosystems and supporting cross-border activities: among the 4-5 startups ecosystems connected by each project, at least half of them will be located in less developed ecosystems. The project should develop a single online entry point to each one of the ecosystems and connect them to the Startup Europe one-stop-shop. Cross-border activities will include: connecting tech entrepreneurs with e.g. potential investors, business partners, accessing skills and services helping startups soft land in new international markets. Particular focus will be placed on stimulating partnerships between scaleups and corporates with a view to procurement, mergers or acquisitions. Similar attention will be placed to support SMEs, startups and scaleups, wherever situated in Europe, to access public procurement opportunities across borders.”
The whole text of the call is available at:
The Workshop will take place on 12 September 2018 in Brussels in the European Commission’s DG CONNECT building, Avenue de Beaulieu 25. Brussels
The event targets potential applicants to the calls for project proposals under the Horizon 2020 ICT-33-2019 topic.
Draft Agenda:
9:30-10 Registration
10:00 – 10:30 Welcome address
10:30-11:00 ICT-33-2019 Startup Europe for Growth topic presentation
11:00-11:30 Proposal evaluation: expert perspective
11:30-12:30 Questions and answers
12:30-13:30 Networking lunch
13:30-15:30 Presentation of ideas for proposals
15:30-17:00 Networking between participants
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