EU leaders committed to do everything possible to support research, to coordinate efforts and seek synergies within the European scientific and research community. They also underlined that there is an urgent need to share scientific information and to collaborate both within the EU and worldwide. They committed to increase and accelerate support to European research teams and companies in this respect. On 26 March 2020, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen and the President of the European Council, Charles Michel stated that “Europe stands ready to set up an international online pledging event to ensure adequate funding to develop and deploy a vaccine against COVID-19.

” During an informal videoconference of 7 April 2020, Ministers responsible for research and innovation supported the first 10 priority actions of the first ERAvsCorona Action Plan which resulted from dialogues between the Commission services and the national ministries.1 It covers first short-term coordinated actions only. It sets out key measures the Commission services and the Member States are activating now to coordinate, share and jointly increase support for research & innovation, in line with the objectives and tools of the European Research Area. Coordination is also an important prerequisite for stepping up global cooperation, essential to tackle corona related issues.

This first ERAvsCorona Action Plan will be updated regularly by the Commission services and national administrations with other R&I coordinated actions that can be taken in the short, medium and longer term.

10 priority actions for coordinated research and innovation actions

First “ERAvsCorona” action plan: short-term coordinated reseach and innovation actions




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