MEDIA brings gender to the fore

On 8 March, International Women’s Day, Creative Europe MEDIA stands up for gender balance in the audiovisual sector.

Equality between women and men is a fundamental EU value, an EU objective and a driver of economic growth. Creative industries, and in particular the media, have a considerable influence on our beliefs, values and perception of gender issues.

Today, in Europe, only one film in five is directed by a woman (21%), which means that the vast majority of the funding resources (namely 84%) go into films that are NOT directed by a woman. Against this backdrop, it is clear that the European audiovisual industry needs more female filmmakers and scriptwriters, and more female perspectives at all levels.

Illustrated data showing gender balance in the audiovisual sector


The European Commission has recognised the strategic importance of gender diversity to sustain a rich, highly creative audiovisual industry as well as more open, inclusive and competitive societies. More particularily, Creative Europe MEDIA is fully committed to bringing gender equality issues to the fore through a number of measures, some of them already in place.

MEDIA on gender: what data tells us

On 11 February at the Berlinale, MEDIA gathered around 30 stakeholder representatives to discuss gender balance on the audiovisual and film industries. This roundtable was the occasion not only to stress the European Commission’s commitment to promoting the role of women and taking them to the next level in culture, art and film, but also to present a brochure featuring data on gender balance in the audiovisual sector.

The discussion among stakeholders touched upon the barriers and prejudices that women face, but also offered a range of pathways that should be put in place: mentoring and gender budgeting were some of them.

The MEDIA programme will continue improving and adapting these measures. Gender equality will be a priority of the future programme after 2020, and actions promoting monitoring, empowering, mentoring, training and networking will be implemented.


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