Startup Europe Ambassadors

The first Startup Europe Ambassadors group will be presented during the Startup Europe Campfire event to be held in Paris on 19 March. They represent a group of key influencers in the European startup ecosystems who will provide information and advice about the European Commission’s Startup Europe initiative. The objective is to democratise the startup phenomenon so that every European citizen has a fair chance to become a successful entrepreneur. The ambassadors will also help startups in their growth phase to have access to all the opportunities offered at European level.

The European Commission’s Startup Europe initiative has become a key reference in the European startup field by supporting directly around 60 local ecosystems and over 750 startups to grow beyond borders. The mission of Startup Europe is to build a Startup Continent by connecting pools of talent. The initiative encourages entrepreneurship, startup creation and growth; and connects startups, investors, accelerators, corporates, universities and the media through an array of grassroots initiatives or networks.

In an ever-changing European startup ecosystem the Startup Europe initiative has designed the group of its Ambassadors to democratise the startup phenomenon so that every citizen has a fair chance to become a successful entrepreneurs wherever they are located in Europe. The role of the ambassadors is to provide information and advice about the European Commission’s Startup Europe initiative. In addition, the ambassadors will also help startups in their growth phase to have access to all the opportunities offered at European level.

The Startup Europe Ambassadors will actively contribute to the visibility of Startup Europe activities at the local level by acting as a key information point in their countries and also as connector for the local ecosystem with the other startups ecosystems across Europe. The first members of this group are the organisations who have been selected through the evaluation of proposals of European Commission’s Horizon 2020 ICT 32 call, as well as partners of European funded projects WeP-UP or OpenMaker.

You can meet all the Startup Europe Ambassadors  during future Startup Europe events organised in 2018: Startup Olé 2018 (17- 19 April, Salamanca, 10000 startup stakeholders, free registration), European Maker Week 2018 (12-19 May, 300 maker events in 28 countries), Startup Europe Summit 2018 (European Commission’s foremost technology policy conference for startups. 15 October, Sofia). More information about future events will be published soon on the single information point for startups.

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