Ezbeez Raised €2.6 Million

Luxembourg-based company, Emploi Système, publisher of the Ezbeez payroll outsourcing solution just announced a €2.6 million fundraising thanks to Jacques Chahine, and its historical and founding investors.
(Featured Image: André Martinie and Ugo Loustalet, Co-founders of Ezbeez / Image Credit © Emploi Système / Ezbeez)

This fundraising, accompanied by Pierre Thomas and his company EMC will allow Emploi Système to pursue its objectives. First, consolidate as the first ERP software solution that communicates in SaaS mode and natively with social and tax administrations. Second, increase its market share through the development of partnerships with the network of French Chartered Accountants. Third, accelerate its research and development program in order to consolidate its leadership in France and establish a solid foundation and launch pad for its international development.

Created in 2014 by Ugo Loustalet and André Martinie, the company has completely redesigned payroll processing and social management by eliminating intermediaries between employers, employees, administration and the various caisses through bold and innovative software development.

“It is essential that a social management solution such as ours allows SMEs to truly become “proactive and responsible employers” and to better leverage the power of collective intelligence.”

Its Ezbeez solution has attracted more than 1200 companies managing 8,000 monthly payrolls. Emploi Système has 15 employees based in Hesperange (Luxembourg). Its expected turnover for 2019 is 700,000 euros and 3,000 client companies.

“The last four years have enabled us to better understand the market and its specificities by providing technical, structural and organizational responses,” explained Ugo Loustalet, Co-founder and CEO of Emploi Système. “We are now ready to speed up. At the same time, it is essential that a social management solution such as ours allows SMEs to truly become “proactive and responsible employers” and to better leverage the power of collective intelligence.”

“I was seduced by the original and competitive approach of the Ezbeez pay slip and the software platform developed.”

This funding will enable Ezbeez to accelerate its growth around three strategic priorities. First, the continuation of its commercial expansion, primarily in France and its 27 million assets through the creation of a distribution network. Second, the acceleration of the processes and services derived from payroll-data analysis. This R&D will make it possible in the short term to make improvements in terms of productivity for companies and the network of chartered accountants’ prescribers, and in terms of purchasing power for employees managed via Ezbeez. Third, the securitization of the employability of managed employees thanks to a new approach in terms of predictive recruitment.

This new fundraising marks the arrival of a new investor, Jacques Chahine, who brings his high added value expertise: “I was at the heart of the creation of the Jacques Chahine Finance platform, which was sold to the American company FactSet, a privileged management tool for SICAV managers and traders, integrating the earnings forecasts of 25,000 listed companies worldwide and the tools for allocating fund performance. I was seduced by the original and competitive approach of the Ezbeez pay slip and the software platform developed. Emploi Système’s managers made a good impression on me. Their dynamism, professionalism and immersion in technology are in line with our own expertise in this field”, confided Jacques Chahine.

“The model needed financial strength to accelerate its growth and move to the next level.”

“The experience and complementarity of the founders Ugo Loustalet and André Martinie, combined with the ingenuity and efficiency of the computer tool set up to automatically edit pay slips, convinced me to agree to help Ezbeez in its fundraising efforts. The company had more than 1000 customers and already had 12 employees in Luxembourg; the model needed financial strength to accelerate its growth and move to the next level. EMC is therefore delighted to have contributed, in a strategic period to its development, to the success of this fundraising campaign, which will enable Ezbeez to become profitable,” concluded Pierre Thomas, Executive Director of EMC.


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