Hybrid Sintering short laser technology, brand, and prints 3D food

One day, two friends (Patxi Larumbe and Daniel Rico) decided to use all its mechatronics (milling machines CNC and laser cutting systems, among other machines) to ‘manufacture’ dinner for friends who had served in the main casino Pamplona. “The surprise was so intense among the guests we realized that creating a tool to do it, if it had a reasonable price, would be very marketable”, recalls Larumbe, who has managed previously several restaurants.

From the dining experience, and Rico Larumbe began designing a machine “based on our knowledge of design laser cutting machines (worth about 80,000 euros) for a technology market cost much less. Throughout the creative process, we realized that a machine like ours will be very attractive, not only for the culinary theme, but because it allows, for example, a family with children to do many things that until now they could not do, such as bags, pendants, kitchen tools, models, school work, Christmas decorations, gifts for birthdays … “.

As Larumbe points out, although there are on the market some printers that print in chocolate and other that do it with viscous, “our team goes far beyond all that, because it is capable of printing both with chocolate and viscous, plus printing 3D filament, cutting, marking and laser sintering. These work patterns make it extremely powerful to achieve final results that can be seen on our website “.

Caption: / Cocuus / Daniel Rico (left) and Patxi Larumbe have invested just over 27,000 euros.

www.cocuus.com and www.patxilarumbe.es

By Javier Escudero


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