Foment del Treball opens up this space to bring to light and give a voice to entrepreneurs, businesses, financial, cultural and social institutions. In a word, to all citizens who create and promote initiatives in a city that attracts talent and investment.

Foment del Treball is opening up access to the digital platform The New Barcelona Post, the new online magazine on Business&Talent, Culture and Lifestyle from Barcelona and, in general, Catalonia. This novel publication aims to become a channel of communication geared mainly to disseminate entrepreneurial, innovative and creative activity. This new digital magazine is an open space, plural and inclusive for businesspeople, entrepreneurs, financial and academic institutions, authors and creators from the main artistic disciplines and, in a word, all citizens who contribute to projecting Barcelona and Catalonia internationally as the best place in the Mediterranean region to invest, work and live.

Businesses developing their commercial activity in Catalonia join and promote this initiative as a sign of their commitment and recognition of an entrepreneurial and dynamic ever-growing environment that can contribute to social and economic progress, job creation and, as always, the essential values of solidarity and social responsibility

The New Barcelona Post offers all its contents in three languages -Catalan, Spanish and English- and, among other sections, features Cultural and Digital&Tech agendas, a selection of the most interesting culture- and innovation-related events available in Barcelona and the main cities worldwide. This magazine aims to become an innovative space to spotlight and disseminate some of the main topics that can be of interest to businesspeople, executives, professionals and notable figures of the international community set up in Barcelona.

The President of Foment del Treball, Joaquim Gay de Montellà, has pointed out in his Welcome message that “Barcelona is the city where you always go back” and announces that The New Barcelona Post “joins art, businesses, science, innovation, fashion, gastronomy and talent”.

The digital platform is offered in three languages -Catalan, Spanish and English- and has an editorial policy based on the principle “good news, true stories” and explain stories using quality literary, graphic and digital resources.

The General Secretary of Foment del Treball, Joan Pujol, inaugurates The New Barcelona Post “from the very heart of Barcelona -on the Vía Laietana and the Barcelona district of El Born-… we generate business opportunities for our members and for those who want to be made familiar with ways of doing business activities in our city and, in general, in Catalonia”.

Good News, True Stories

The new digital magazine The New Barcelona Post started out three years and a half after the release of the novel magazine F, La revista del Foment under the leadership of writer Valentí Puig from September 2014 as a traditional paper magazine of thinking and culture. Now, Foment continues uninterrupted with its editing role of historical publications dating back to 1849, e.g. El Bien Público. Prisma Publicaciones, owned by Grupo Planeta, a true partner for producing and designing this new magazine which, from today, can be obtained from the shop of The New Barcelona Post.

As the Director of Communication of Foment and Editor of F and The New Barcelona Post, I explain in Who are we? how these editorial projects have come to light. The director of this new magazine is the journalist and poet Enric Boluda-M Hût. Both, we are the Communication Team of Foment del Treball.

Good News, True Stories is the release slogan of this new magazine, as it aims to provide a faithful and kind insight into the entrepreneurial character, open and solidarious, of Barcelona and Catalonia.



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