StartupsVsCovid19: Call for innovative solutions to combat COVID-19

Targeting young innovative enterprises, the call for projects focuses on the development of technology-based innovative products and services intended to limit, or even overcome, the economic, health and societal effects of the crisis linked to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Up to 20 projects will be selected, each of which will benefit from a financial support of up to €150,000. Selected projects should be developed and put on the market within a period of 6 months.

Our startup community is full of talent and demonstrates outstanding innovation.

“I am committed to supporting Luxembourg’s startup ecosystem,” said Minister of the Economy Franz Fayot. “In the context of the COVID-19 crisis, many of the economic support measures for businesses, workers and the self-employed are suitable for young innovative companies. Our startup community is full of talent and demonstrates outstanding innovation. For this reason, I am launching a call for projects aimed at supporting ecosystem initiatives to develop innovative solutions to tackle the health and economic crisis we are experiencing.”

Project proposals should be submitted on 30 April 2020 at the latest. More information on the call for projects and the conditions for participation is available on the Startup Luxembourg website.

Webinars to provide information on aid measures applicable for start-ups

Webinars are also being organised by the Ministry of the Economy, in collaboration with Luxinnovation, in order to inform about the main support measures that start-ups can benefit from in the context of the economic stabilisation programme presented by the government.

The experts participating in the webinars answer questions that young innovative enterprises ask themselves in the current economic context. The Startup Luxembourg websites provides information regarding the agenda and registration process for the different webinars.

In order to make the most relevant aid measures for start-ups easier to understand, it is possible to view and download a table presenting the main instruments.


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